haiku flamenco

Der Landanzeiger

orignal in German

Der Landanzeiger, 19.11.2015

Wynentaler Blatt

original in German

Wynentaler Blatt, 13.11.2015

ANDA, Nr 122

original in German

Sonja L. Bauer, ANDA, Nr 122, 01.11.2015

Zürcher Oberländer

orignal in German

Rico Steinemann, Zürcher Oberländer, 29.10.2015

Esslinger Zeitung

original in German

Angela Reinhardt, Esslinger Zeitung, 20.10.2015

Stuttgarter Nachrichten

original in German

Brigitte Jähnigen, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 13.10.2015

Kulturreport Sonderbeilage Stuttgarter Zeitung/Stuttgarter Nachrichten

original in German

Petra Mostbacher-Dix, Kulturreport Sonderbeilage Stuttgarter Zeitung/Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 23.09.2015

Wynentaler Blatt

(...) The immediacy of this impressive production affects the audience very directly, and there is excitement in the air. The up-close experience of the extraordinary mixture of music, song, and modern dance is intense. The dancers perform with convincing grace and seem to enjoy the challenge of the complicated rhythms. Haiku flamenco brings together Japanese poetry and Spanish dance in a most delightful way. (...)
original in German

Viktoria Müller, Wynentaler Blatt, 20.01.2015


click to see the Video

Carlos Lügstenmann, art-tv, 05.12.2014

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

(... ) „Haiku flamenco" is a very consistently transformed dance piece featuring flamenco in an unparalleled, highly concentrated form.
original in German

Isabelle Jakob, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 05.12.2014

Aargauer Zeitung

A Masterpiece Crowns the 30th Anniversary
(...) Merki takes the intended intensification of the flamenco to the extreme in this piece: Three couples climb onto three small platforms and demonstrate what can be done despite a very limited amount of space: a riveting dance performance. The men and women shoving each other in order to obtain more space are doing so as part of a friendly game, or - rather - as part of a choreography that is nothing short of enchanting.
original in German

Elisabeth Feller, Aargauer Zeitung, 05.12.2014

Kanal K

Interview with Brigitta Luisa Merki (only in German available)

Kanal K, 04.12.2014