
Stuttgarter Zeitung

A complete work of art, encapsulating dance, music, song, the spoken word and visual arts, taking this homogeneity, emotional force and theatrical suggestion to heights rarely ever scaled before. It is all done in Flamenco. The guitarists (...) don't just provide accompaniment to the voices and bodies, they become part of the poem. The women strike up a sound evocative of the Wailing Wall - a powerful, common rhythm pulsates on Gillian White’s stage.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 02.04.1994

Stuttgarter Nachrichten

Brigitta Luisa puts her „shrieks" into an hour-long scene packed with melancholy, gloominess and beauty - a dance poem that starts like an ancient tragedy and ends like a fiesta, a piece of choreographic theatre. This is a complete piece, and songs, words, music and zapateado become interwoven w ith wonderful effect before the iron sculpture; an emotional episode which discharges itself on the spiral of life with explosive force and consequences.

Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 02.04.1994