El canto nómada

Badische Zeitung

„El canto nómada", with a wonderful composition by the innovative composer and ballet director, Antonio Robledo, (...) and the terrific voices, such as that of the Flamenco singer, Carmen Linares, which is greatly complemented by the exciting choreography of the artistic director, Brigitta Luisa Merki. Merki and Robledo have set a benchmark for touring theatre.

Badische Zeitung, 28.02.1998

Neue Zürcher Zeitung

„El canto nómada" Robledo has managed to evolve completely new sounds and images from the atmosphere of the Flamenco, an ever purer and ever more audible expression. (...) Like the composer, Merki extends the possibilities for expression, elements in the highly expressive dance routines enrich the vocabulary, are clever and are used to suit the situation with perfect results.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 17.12.1997

Neue Luzerner Zeitung

What power, what faces, what women!

Neue Luzerner Zeitung, 00.00.0000

Morgenpost am Sonntag, Dresden

Who could have dared to hope for this? Six women on the huge stage at the Kulturpalast. Flamenco dancers brimming with character, presence and power, and these she-devils really did manage to cast a spell over the audience of over 2000 people, across the entire expanse of the auditorium, and possibly across all boundaries of expectation as well (...) that really is art in the truest sense: the ability to captivate audiences on any stage, large or small (...). At the end, there was special applause for Brigitta Luisa Merki, dancer and choreographer.

Morgenpost am Sonntag, Dresden, 00.00.0000